General information about Pertin Valinta's online store
The online store's products are sold by Daatso Oy business ID number 2692978-2. We sell products to individuals and businesses of legal age worldwide. The prices of the products include value added tax in the home country and in the EU.
We reserve the right to change prices and postage.
General information about Pertin Valinta's online store
The online store's products are sold by Daatso Oy business ID number 2692978-2. We sell products to individuals and businesses of legal age worldwide. The prices of the products include value added tax in the home country and in the EU.
We reserve the right to change prices and postage.
Products are generally ordered via the internet
from the address www.pertinvalinta.fi through the shopping cart.
All orders are confirmed by email stating the price of the order,
shipping costs and ordered products. Obtaining order confirmation is required providing an email address when placing an order.
The customer commits to the delivery terms in force with each order.
Payments with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard cards.
Paytrail Oy (2122839-7) operates as the implementation and payment service provider of the payment brokerage service in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. In payments made with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard cards, Paytrail Oy appears as the payee on the card invoice and forwards the payment to the merchant. Paytrail Oy has a payment institution license.
Paytrail Oy business ID: 2122839-7
Address: Lutakonaukio 7 40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: 0207181830
The payment brokerage service related to online banking is implemented by Paytrail Oy (2122839-7) in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. From the user's point of view, the service works just like traditional online payment.
Orders are processed within 7 days of the order's arrival and delivered to the customer via the Finnish postal service. International customers are responsible for their own country's taxes, customs and/or VAT payments.
Finland: 2-7 days. Other countries: 4-14 days
Shipping costs are added to the order price, which are determined by the weight and size of the product. The delivery costs are automatically updated according to the contents of the shopping cart in the online store.
The customer has a 14-day exchange and return right in accordance with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act.
from the address www.pertinvalinta.fi through the shopping cart.
All orders are confirmed by email stating the price of the order,
shipping costs and ordered products. Obtaining order confirmation is required providing an email address when placing an order.
The customer commits to the delivery terms in force with each order.
Payments with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard cards.
Paytrail Oy (2122839-7) operates as the implementation and payment service provider of the payment brokerage service in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. In payments made with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard cards, Paytrail Oy appears as the payee on the card invoice and forwards the payment to the merchant. Paytrail Oy has a payment institution license.
Paytrail Oy business ID: 2122839-7
Address: Lutakonaukio 7 40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: 0207181830
The payment brokerage service related to online banking is implemented by Paytrail Oy (2122839-7) in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. From the user's point of view, the service works just like traditional online payment.
Orders are processed within 7 days of the order's arrival and delivered to the customer via the Finnish postal service. International customers are responsible for their own country's taxes, customs and/or VAT payments.
Finland: 2-7 days. Other countries: 4-14 days
Shipping costs are added to the order price, which are determined by the weight and size of the product. The delivery costs are automatically updated according to the contents of the shopping cart in the online store.
The customer has a 14-day exchange and return right in accordance with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act.
You can return your order via Posti by first contacting the address
info@pertinvalita.fi and telling what you are returning and mailing the products back. Pack the shipment carefully.
Returning from the machine
If you received your order at Posti's parcel machine, you can return it anywhere
from the parcel machine with the same compartment code you used to pick it up. Write your own contact information (name and phone) on the package. You do not need a return address. Take the shipment to the parcel machine and follow the instructions.
Returning from the post office
You can return the shipment through the postal service point, regardless of the way you received it. Write our return code on top of the shipment. Take the shipment to the post office and tell them that it is a Daatso Oy customer return. If there is an original address card in the package, the post office will make the necessary changes to the card and send it
will be returned with a changed card.
We reserve the right to change our terms of delivery. Before placing an order, the customer must familiarize himself with the delivery conditions valid at any given time.
info@pertinvalita.fi and telling what you are returning and mailing the products back. Pack the shipment carefully.
Returning from the machine
If you received your order at Posti's parcel machine, you can return it anywhere
from the parcel machine with the same compartment code you used to pick it up. Write your own contact information (name and phone) on the package. You do not need a return address. Take the shipment to the parcel machine and follow the instructions.
Returning from the post office
You can return the shipment through the postal service point, regardless of the way you received it. Write our return code on top of the shipment. Take the shipment to the post office and tell them that it is a Daatso Oy customer return. If there is an original address card in the package, the post office will make the necessary changes to the card and send it
will be returned with a changed card.
We reserve the right to change our terms of delivery. Before placing an order, the customer must familiarize himself with the delivery conditions valid at any given time.
Register statement and information about cookies
REGISTRATION STATEMENT according to § 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/99).
1. Registrar
Daatso Oy
Y: 22692978-2
Ulvilantie 7 a 8-9, 00350 Hki
2. Contact person in matters concerning the register
Teuvo Merkkieniemi
phone +358 45 345 79 72
3. Register name
Pertin Valinta's customer register.
4. Purpose of personal data processing
Personal data is collected, processed and used by Pertin Valinta's website and campaigns for the purpose of delivering customer orders, managing customer relationships, direct marketing, remote sales and customer contact. In addition to this, personal data can be used for statistical purposes and for the development of Pertin Valinta's services.
5. Data content of the register
The register may contain personal data according to the following categories:
• Name
• Address (invoicing and delivery separately)
• Postal code and place of business (invoicing and delivery separately)
• Telephone number
• Email address
• IP address
• Company
• Company address information
• Company's VAT information
• Address (invoicing and delivery separately)
• Postal code and place of business (invoicing and delivery separately)
• Telephone number
• Email address
• IP address
• Company
• Company address information
• Company's VAT information
6. Statutory data sources of the register
The regular data source for the register is the information collected from the customers themselves on the checkout and registration pages of the online store. Personal data is collected and processed in Pertin Valinta's online store, websites, invoicing, accounting, e-mail and social media communities.
Personal data can be collected via Pertin Valinta's websites and with electronic or non-electronic forms (e.g. feedback and order forms) and by phone for handling customer service. In addition to the categories in section 5, data on the start and end of service use, as well as interest data for marketing profiling can be saved with the help of Google Analytics and Semrush tools.
7. Regular disclosures of information
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties located in the European Union, such as administrators of Pertin Valinta's online store, partners, companies that produce services the customer may order, and authorities. It is possible to hand over this information for the delivery of goods and services or for the execution of the contract between Pertin Valinta and the customer. Personal data will not be disclosed without the consent of the person concerned
express consent to third parties other than for the purpose mentioned above, unless otherwise stipulated by legislation.
8. Deletion of data
Data can be deleted at the Customer's request or due to the end of the customer relationship. Requests for data deletion should be sent to the address info@pertinvalita.fi, in which case the data will be deleted manually.
9. Register protection principles
The customer register is only allowed to be used by persons and administrators whose job description includes its use. The use of the register is monitored with user-specific usernames and passwords and also with an event log, saving login information. Pertin Valinta's online store customer register
maintained as an electronic database by this authorized technical administrator. The online store is protected by a firewall and virus protection, also using other appropriate online store protections against external data breaches. Online store communication is also protected using the HTTPS method.
10. Right of prohibition
The customer of Pertin Valinta can see the information about him. The registrar may charge a reasonable compensation covering the immediate costs arising from providing the information, if the customer last received their information to be checked within less than a year.
According to the Personal Data Act, the customer has the right to check his registered data. In addition to this, the customer also has the right to prohibit the processing and disclosure of information about him for direct marketing and distance sales. Ban requests should be sent to info@pertinvalinta.fi
A cookie is a small text file that the internet browser saves on the user's device. Cookies are used, for example, when the user's data is to be stored when the user moves from one page of the internet service to another. By using the Pertin Valinta website, you accept the use of cookies. If you do not want to use cookies, you can turn them off in your browser or leave the site. However, the site's functionality may require the use of cookies.
By using cookies, we are able to modify the site's offerings and user experience to suit our customers' preferences. With the help of cookies, we collect from our customers e.g. the following information.
• the user's IP address
• the host name of the user's network
• terminal device and browser type
• time and date
• pages visited and products viewed
• from which web address the user came to the website in question
• from which server the user came to the website
• from which domain the user came to the website
In addition to these, other information may also be collected for statistics, e.g. For Google Analytics and Semrush tools.