Pertti’s Choice is our own social enterprice and we are proud of it.
PKN - Pertti, Sami, Kari, Toni
Pertin Valinta ( Pertti’s Choice) is an agency and production for Finnish Outsider Arts, founded by the punk band Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät PKN. Pertin valinta collaborates with outsider artists in Finland and globally. Pertin Valinta social enterprice’s profit goes to disability employment.
Service Provider of the Year 2024
"Pertti's choice is a unique operator that has built a solid foundation to support marginalized artists. They have created a comprehensive system that provides opportunities and employment for those who are often excluded from the mainstream of art. Long-term work has made it possible to implement several creative projects, and their activities have expanded into several different areas, such as productions and events. The winner has done a remarkable job to give outsider artists visibility and support in a way that is truly unique in Finland and in the whole world."
(MusicXMedia Jury 2024)

AGMA Agents and Managers in Creative Industries, Kynnys Association
OAF Festival Agency Act of the Year 2022, Vimma Award 2022
"The disabled artists who are part of the festival's working group have been able to bring their own perspectives, goals and skills to the forefront of OAF programs. They have been supported by a chain of experienced professionals who have internalized the core values of the operation. The end result is an explosively wide-ranging cycle of success, which has become part of the mainstream cultural contributing within the international networks of the outsider art movement and as a friend festival of Helsinki Festival. The festival is an extremely positive, peer-to-peer and sparring form of activity - it also encourages operators in the disability field to make use of disability-oriented activities even more prominently. With the event, new voices and realities have entered the world of art. It is important not only for disabled people themselves, but also irreplaceably valuable for culture.
(Vimma Award Jury, 2022)
AGMA Agents and Managers in Creative Industries
Agent of the Year 2024 Heini Merkkiniemi
"Heini Merkkiniemi, executive director of the Outsider Art Festival, does pioneering work as a mediator and internationalizer of outsider art. Heini promotes the effectiveness and equality of the creative fields, creating new openings, networks and structures. Heini is a multidisciplinary professional whose activities are creative, ethical and cross-border. Hein's pioneering work has brought visibility and opportunities to outsider art in Finland in a whole new volume."

Radio Helsinki
Pertin valinnat radio show
Pertin Valinnat (Pertti's Choice) radio program brings forth music from the margins and interesting outsider artists from different fields. The program is hosted by the music journalist Miika Turunen. Each episode features two guests who discuss marginal culture and equality with Miika, as well as an album panel where Pertti Kurikka plays his own favourites.
Ammattiopisto Luovi
Kunniamaininta 2024
Tunnustuksen perusteena on loistava yhteistyö ja opiskelijoille tarjotut monipuoliset mahdollisuudet työpaikalla tapahtuvaan oppimiseen skä erittäin ansiokas opiskelijoiden ohjaus työelämäjaksojen aikana.
(Koulutuspäällikkö Juho Viitanen, 2024)