Rinne, Milena & Tervo, Matti - Valoisa Yö BOOK
Bright Night is a story about the in-between space: the fear of losing control and the temptation to let go completely, inexplicable feelings of loneliness and inevitable self-deception. The work, which combines book and recording, invites you into a mystical summer night, which is full of secrets.
The body of work is built around a small collection of poems. The book consists of poems written by Milena Rinnee and photographs taken on summer nights, while the recording consists of the same poems and sound design by Matti Tervo.
Bright Night is meant to be listened to and viewed at the same time: the audio narration also guides the turning of the book's pages. The package includes the Valoisa Yö book and a download link to the recording.
This Is Not A Dog 2023